Syracuse University Faculty Makes Red-Hot Lava, No Volcano Required - morrismenced
I remember a time when paper maché volcanos were the coolest things ever so. Those days are gone now. As sullied by Geekosystem, two module members at Syracuse University made the conclusion to foxiness actual, homebrew molten rock and put all science blond projects to shame.
I'm not kidding.
This is probably the closest most of us will ever come to echt-life lava without, you know, entering the proximity of an active volcano. Helmed past art professor Bobfloat Wysocki and geologist Jeff Karson, the Siege of Syracuse University Lava Project makes use of commercially-available crushed basalt gravel and a natural, gas-fueled tilt furnace that has been het up to 1,200 degrees celcius. The ensue? Approximately 800 pounds of molten basalt.
The project began innocently enough: In the beginning, information technology started with relatively small lava flows. Business backing then began to trickle in. From there, the gang moved along to 200 pounds of lava, and so to 800 pounds of sodding, molten awesome.
What do you do when you have the ability to pull in something this, er, cool? You stage national demonstrations, of course of action. Instead of simply keeping it to themselves, the good people behind the Siege of Syracuse University Lava Project have been material possession live shows in the parking area of Siracusa University's Comstock Art Building.
If that doesn't ignite a be intimate for science, I don't have it off what will.
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